The Wonders of the Cross
9 March
Jesus Paid It All
Isaiah 53:1-6
Mark 8:31-38
16 March
Redemption: There is
Power in the Blood
1 Peter 1:13-25
Exodus 6:1-8
23 March
And Can it Be
Luke 15:11-23
Genesis 3:8-13, 22-23
30 March
In Christ Alone
Romans 3:21-31
Genesis 15:1-11, 17-21
6 April
Victory: Crown Him
With Many Crowns
Colossians 2:6-15
Jeremiah 31:31-34
13 April
palm sunday service
with holy communion
20 April
easter sunday service
He is Not Here; he has risen
Isaiah 65:17-25
Luke 24:1-12
27 April
Were Our Hearts
Not Burning Within Us?
Isaiah 40:1-11
Luke 24:13-35
Staying faithful - daniel
4 May
Standing Firm
in a Foreign Land
Daniel 1
11 May
the Future
Daniel 2:24-49
18 May
Trusting God
in the Fire
Daniel 3:1-6, 27