prayer focus
There are a number of prayer groups meeting each month which are listed on the church Calendar and in the ‘coming soon’ section at the bottom of each email. Here’s some information on some of the groups that meet. If you want to know how to join in, contact the church office.
The Street Pastors prayer group has been meeting since 2010 at St Matt’s on the second Tuesday of every month at 10.30am. We’re a small group - about 10 - from different churches in the town who gather to pray for the work of Street Pastors as they show and share the love of Jesus with those visiting clubs and bars on Friday and Saturday evenings, and also those living on our streets. The Safe Place – the converted horse box which lives on the Racecourse and is driven to the Prom – is well used by those needing a listening ear and some TLC. It’s also used at Race meetings and welcomed by the Jockey Club. It’s a privilege to support the work through prayer.
See more on the work of the Street Pastors Originally taken from the Gloucestershire Police and Crime Commissioner's website. It gives a very good idea of the sort of issues that Street Pastors deal with.
Our church’s Bible Society Prayer Group meets together on Zoom on the third Thursday of alternate months to pray for the worldwide work of our mission partner Bible Society. Informative prayer points are provided for meetings and for those praying in their own time at home.
The Prayer for Teachers group has been meeting for some years to support teachers, TAs, school governors and any who are involved in education from our church family. We are a group of retired teachers who pray regularly during term time in response to those who request specific prayer in confidence.
Prayer for Persecuted is a gathering to pray for those who suffer for their identification with Christ. We pray for an hour with an occasional pause for questions and information sharing. We use a variety of sources of material for prayer, including (for an online meeting) a side of notes sent with the Zoom connection details.